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Anxiety treatment at home


This article is for information purposes only. It is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Seek medical care for your treatment.

In today’s industrious life, stress is inevitable. Stress can be caused because of some positive incidents like new job, marriage or any function as well as negative incidents for instance, losing a job, divorce o demise of your loved ones. Anxiety often escorts stress. Anxiety is different for everybody.

Anxiety is your body’s natural response towards stress and agitation about unsure consequences. Anxiety is a feeling of stress and apprehension that harms you emotionally, physically and mentally. Anxiety makes you vulnerable and uncontrollable. Some anxiety motivates you, prepares you and helps you calculate pros and cons. But, when anxiety is recurring, lasts several months and hampers you from enjoying your life you need to take it seriously. Regular anxiety regarding something new and worrisome is normal but when it is persistent and it affects your life, it is an anxiety disorder. Untreated anxiety can distant you from others by simply restricting you to your home.

Types of anxiety disorders

Some anxiety disorders are mentioned below:

  • Panic disorder results in panic attack. These abrupt attacks are constant episodes of fright and panic for no visible reason. Panic attacks can result in choking, perspiration, palpitations and chest ache.
  • Phobia is extreme terror of a certain activity, situation or object.
  • Social anxiety disorder is a feeling of distress of being judged by people in social gatherings. Social phobia is another name for social anxiety disorder.
  • Separation anxiety disorder is the complex of losing your dear ones. The idea that something bad may happen to your loved ones, haunts you constantly.
  • Obsessive cleanliness disorder is a phobia of troublesome thoughts that result in same behavior.
  • Illness anxiety disorder also called as hypochondria.
  • Generalized anxiety disorder you experience groundless worry for an insignificant reason.
  • Selective mutism is an anxiety in kids who are normal around family but stay mute at school or public places.

Symptoms of anxiety

The apparent symptom of anxiety is utter distress or worry. Anxiety if not treated timely, can become a living nightmare. Certain symptoms are enlisted before:

  • Panic or dismay
  • Feelings of alarm and distress
  • Lack of sleep
  • State of agitation and tumult
  • Palpitations
  • puking
  • muscle and body aches
  • rumination
  • lack of focus
  • evading places and people
  • irritable
  • restlessness
  • xerostomia

What are the causes of anxiety

Causes mentioned below contribute to anxiety disorder:

  • Genes one can have anxiety disorder because of genetic origin.
  • Stressful life events can make you prone to grow anxiety disorder.
  • Defective brain circuits that call on fear and sentiments can cause anxiety disorder.
  • Use of drugs the savage combo of drugs and alcohol can intensify anxiety disorder.
  • Health conditions Diabetes, depression, Heart, lung, thyroid or kidney ailments can augment anxiety disorder. Best is to get a complete physical checkup to rule out other medical conditions.

Anxiety treatment at home

Anxiety treatment at home does not involve any usual medications that you probably get after seeking a professional help. In some people, natural remedies accompanied by usual treatments can help fend off anxiety. Natural remedies incorporate herbs, aromatherapy and activities that soothe body and mind. Some are written below:

1) Be more active

Being physically active is not only good for your body but it also boosts your mental health. Physical activity or exercise helps you to divert your attention from the troublesome situations. Your body release endorphins, when you are physically more active. Endorphins are hormones that make you feel good. That is why exercise and walk is a great stress reliever. Start doing exercise for 15 minutes then gradually increase intensity and time; this will boost your heart and brain health. Alleviating you heart rate up also modifies the brain chemistry which creates anti-anxiety neurochemicals like serotonin, GABA, BDNF, endocanabinoids.

2) Shun smoking and drinking

At first Smoking and drinking may soothe your nerves but, in reality they worsen your anxiety. Drinking can lead to alcohol dependence which can jeopardize your health in the long run. Alcohol consumption plays havoc with your body’s ability to sleep by intervening with sleep homeostasis.

Stressed people consider smoking a quick-fix to their perplexed life but, smoking gradually paves its way to anxiety disorder. Centers for disease control and prevention (CDC) trusted source suggests some easy ways to quit smoking. Try to adopt habits that help you live a smoke-free life.

3) Make peaceful sleep a priority

It is a proven fact that sleep is significant for mind and body health. Make sure that you get enough required sleep regularly. Fatigued or stressed body needs more restful sleep. Inadequate sleep leads to anxiety. Adhere to a good sleep routine. Your body needs at least 8 hours of sleep to recover from all days fatigue and stress. Seek help from your doctor if have trouble sleeping peacefully or Try these tips for restful sleeping:

  • Avoid day time naps
  • Avoid mobile, TV, or reading in bed
  • Avoid caffeine and nicotine before sleeping
  • Keep your room dark and cozy
  • Follow sleep routine
  • Pen down your worries before going to bed

4) Eat healthy diet

Chemicals and preservatives present in the processed foods for instance, synthetic colour and artificial flavor can cause mood swings in some people. If your anxiety aggravates after eating something, it is imperative to keep a check on your eating habits. Stay hydrated, abolish processed foods and consume a balanced diet enriched in carbohydrates, nuts, whole grains, fruits, vegetables and lean proteins. Researches depict that healthy or balanced diet can augment your brain health. Try not to skip any meal of the day. Some foods that help to stave off anxiety are:

  • Fish for example, mackerel and salmon
  • Flax and chia seeds
  • Raw turmeric
  • Vitamin D
  • Magnesium
  • Tryptophan

5) Deep breathing exercises

Anxiety causes irregular breathing. It may result in palpitations, dizziness or panic attack. When anxiety hits you hard, try to figure out what is stressing you. Anxiety is all about stressing over future and past incidents keeping you unaware about the present. Deep breathing exercises and mantra can help recover normal breathing patterns and minimizing your anxiety. Follow the 4-7-8 technique. For 5 minutes in total, breathe in for 4 counts and breathe out for 4 counts. This will normalize your heart rate. Adopt these easy steps to evade anxiety:

  • Sit in a relaxing position
  • Close your eyes
  • Gradually inhale and exhale through nose
  • While breathing in and breathing out focus on the word “Be present”

6) Try Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is a thorough treatment that has been in use for ages. It helps in enhancing both physical and emotional health. Aromatherapy involves essential oils and plant extracts. Certain fragrances alleviate your mood and diminish anxiety. Aromatherapy soothes your nerves, helps you sleep, lightens up your mood, and lessens your heart rate and blood pressure. These essential oils or plant extracts can be inhaled directly or added to a diffuser. You can also add some drops to you bracelet, necklace or apply on your neck and wrist. Scents that calm your body and mind are enlisted below:

  1. Lavender
  2. Ylang ylang
  3. Grapefruit
  4. Clary sage
  5. Bergamont
  6. Learn to relax

In present strenuous days it is imperative to stay calm. Try to relax your body and mind this will bring down your heart rate and blood pressure, which will keep your muscles more relaxed. Try to express your inner anguish, fear or stress through drawing, sculpture, gardening, music. Opt for anything that pacifies your mind.

7) Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea is an ordinary home remedy to calm your strained nerves. Chamomile extract helps in falling asleep. The flavonoids in chamomile give a tranquilizing effect to body and mind by impacting the transmission of GABA, dopamine, noradrenalin serotonin.

8) Meditation

The aim of meditation is about mindfulness regarding the present time without having any critical thoughts regarding future. This keeps you mentally stable and helps you to discard all negative thoughts and feelings. Research recommends that meditating regularly for at least 10 minutes can ward off anxiety and act as an anti depressant.

9) Supplements

Certain supplements and nutrients lessen your anxiety. These are:

  • Lemon balm
  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Ashwagandha
  • Green tea
  • Valerian root
  • Kava

10) Try to socialize and be positive

Eradicate all the negative thoughts. Question yourself, are these residing thoughts fruitful? Ditch all the negative thoughts. Think positively to overcome anxiety. Do not let these baseless thoughts isolate you. Meet with people, talk to them on phone, on the laptop, this will reduce stress. Join some support groups to share your personal feelings. Certainly you will feel great.


It is impossible to live a healthy, happy life with anxiety. If you don’t want to see a professional doctor you can go for the above mentioned remedies, they will help you to combat with anxiety at home. Adopt these points and live an anxiety free life.

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